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Web News & Tips - Issue #279 $7.00 per month Small Business web hosting from MateMedia Web News & Tips Published by MateMedia, Inc. Your Partner on the Web Providing quality Web services at affordable prices since 1995 MateMedia provides the following services: * Web Hosting (Shared & Managed Dedicated Servers) * Web Design & Development - Custom Web Applications * Database Development & Hosting * Website Maintenance & Webmaster Services * Search Engine Promotion (Optimization & Submission) * E-Commerce - Shopping Carts - Sample Shopping Cart * Domain Name Registration * Domain Name Affiliate Program * Web Hosting Affiliate Program * FREE Website when you order a web hosting account! For more information about our services email sales@matemediainc.com or call us at 877-309-7521 - Read what our clients have to say about us IN THIS ISSUE: Become a MateMedia Domain Name Affiliate Become a MateMedia Small Business Web Hosting Affiliate Free Webmaster Tools Free Scripts for Your Website Google AdSense Adds New Enhancements for Users Web News A Step by Step Guide to Getting Started on the Web Recommend this newsletter to a friend Advertise in Web News & Tips $7.00 per month web hosting from MateMedia Google AdSense Adds New Enhancements for Users By Merle If you have a website and don't mind displaying ads that relate to your website's content, you can earn a decent income with Google AdSense. Every time someone clicks on one of the ads on your site, you make money. It's not a bad gig for doing absolutely nothing. Here are the new enhancements Google has added to the AdSense program: 1) Channels: It used to be hard to tell which ad layouts and webpages were performing the best. Google added what they call "channels" to make it easy to track which ads on which pages of your site are receiving the most clicks. To start using channels, you'll need to set them up from within your Google control panel and then paste the code on your webpages. You can set up to 20 channels and deactivate them at will. You can also assign channels to multiple domains if you run ads on them, in order to track performance of each. If you like to test and track, you'll love using channels. 2) Downloadable Reports: If you want to easily track your monthly and daily income, you can download detailed reports in comma separated values (CSV) format. These reports can be viewed from within Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet programs. 3) Public Service Ads: When Google can't serve up targeted ads for your website, PSA's are shown. These are ads for non-profit organizations. Nothing is paid for click thru's on public service ads, so you may wish not to display them at all. This can be done by using Alternate Ad Color. By selecting your web page's background color, the "PSA's" will blend into the background instead. You can set different options for each page of your site or use your own alternate ads in their place. 4) Framed Pages: If you use frames within your site design, you'll want to make sure you select the "framed page" checkbox. By selecting this option you'll be telling Google's spider to gather content from the right frame, thereby insuring relevant ads are appearing. 5) Image Ads: If you're bored with serving up plain text ads, you can now choose to display images as well. Image ads are just like the text ads, as they are matched to the content of each page. You cannot run image ads alone; they are shown in rotation with text ads. If this option interests you, there are currently four sizes available: Banner (468x60), Leaderboard (728x90), SkyScraper (120x600) and Medium Rectangle (300x250). It makes you wonder if Google is trying to make banner ads "fashionable" again. At this time, you cannot track click thru's from image ads separately from text ad click thrus. Images are limited to 50K in size and should not increase your load time too much. If you'd like to test the waters with image ads, you can select to display them on only some pages of your site. Google's Adsense program is loaded with features and they make it possible for everyone (even the "little guy") to profit from his website. Once the code is in place, you do nothing while your site is quietly earning an income in the background. Imagine, your web hosting fees automatically paid each and every month. Isn't it time your site started paying for its keep? E-mail: merle@mcpromotions.com Author's URL: http://www.EzineAdAuction.com Merle (just Merle, thank you) is an experienced Internet Marketer/Promoter Consultant. She knows what it takes for business websites to be Successful.She has been online for over six years and has three websites to her credit: MC Promotions( http://www.MCPromotions.com - Merle's World (http://www.MerlesWorld.com) and Ezine Ad Auction (http://www.EzineAdAuction.com $7.00 per month web hosting from MateMedia Increase your rank in the search engines! Check out our new search engine optimization plans Become a MateMedia Web Hosting Affiliate Web News $7.00 per month web hosting from MateMedia Realtors are realizing that technology tools improve productivity and profits. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) revealed that their typical members expect to spend in excess of $1,300 on technology-related items in 2004, while also exceeding their yearly marketing budget. The largest portion of the tech pie — $856 — will be allocated to products, while technology services and technology training are nearly evenly matched ($254 vs. $256). Comparatively, the NAR found that typical members budgeted $1,200 for promotion and marketing expenses for 2004. E-government adoption is on the upswing, but the telephone remains the preferred communication tool for contacting government offices. While the Pew Internet & American Life Project revealed that more than three-quarters of Internet users contacted the government in the last year, nearly twice as many survey respondents said they preferred to use the phone over the Web site, and e-mail only ranked just slightly better than traditional mail. Yahoo! joined the anti-spyware campaign Thursday with the addition of a beta spyware detector for its downloadable toolbar. The application, known as Anti-Spy, allows users to scan their computers for unwanted software that often surreptitiously piggybacks on downloaded files and secretly monitors the user's browsing habits. Copyright 2000-2004 MateMedia, Inc. |
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